不是不想幫你,實在是英文程度不足我也聽不出來。]t^u ©樱花大战--浪漫樱姿BBS -- 樱花大战--浪漫樱姿BBS Jt4 Brent: This country is not very attractive.uwI|"] Patrick: I know what you mean, sir.}fgso( Brent: This country is in need of a true king. What's rational is the more XXX(adj) one, singliest team(?), that we have to teach them.fmlM Patrick: I got what you said, sir(聽不到)AR[ Brent: Beautiful.: ©樱花大战--浪漫樱姿BBS -- 樱花大战--浪漫樱姿BBS 0A%S|5 --©樱花大战--浪漫樱姿BBS -- 樱花大战--浪漫樱姿BBS (Gj? 我好像只聽懂久野說的英文(死)O,_^R}
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所謂靈力……就是生命的光輝。 只要有一份珍重某人的強烈心意…… 就連極限……也可跨過。