很不错很不错~~~~~k 比我厉害多了………………PFPFwo 几张照着画的,色彩很好,就是有0.01%不太像啦~~~不过既然是同人嘛,不能画的跟人设似的(总觉得自己太挑剔…………不过真得很好………………)i4~(l 纯同人作品很棒~~个人最喜欢艾莉卡那张…………很漂亮~~A 第一张……人物都像这左边似乎有些别扭…………玛丽亚画得不错啊~~很有感觉,算是几位里比较像得了(可能是我现在看哪张玛丽亚的同人都这样,只要不BT)可以参考CSB封面那样子试试看……O*] 无情那张真的画得很好了~bw\-S 樱的更好,色彩没得说O:9# 继续努力~~以上个人意见 +)8|
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-Because Tokyo is a very-important city for us. Is that all? You must have other reasons for wanting to save the city. -I have lots of memories of the city. Lots of memories? -Yes. In that sense, I can understand. I also have. --Goodbye, my memories.--