终于完成拉~~ e2_._ 可以算是临摹~~但是该了一部分~~日语部分感谢K1~~~K1O>6 翻译文如下:7pEItW 心死可以再生,感谢你微笑,为了你的幸福,我活着b4 偶日语手写BT…………大家将就…………谢谢各位~~r~q5> 祝玛丽亚生日快乐~~~お誕生日おめてとう~~ri J*\m5
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-Because Tokyo is a very-important city for us. Is that all? You must have other reasons for wanting to save the city. -I have lots of memories of the city. Lots of memories? -Yes. In that sense, I can understand. I also have. --Goodbye, my memories.--