- 樱花大战--浪漫樱姿BBS (http://sakurawars.sakura.ne.jp/cgi-bin/bbs/cgi-bin/leobbs.cgi) |
-- 作者: 日本晴天
What Saint Seiya Gold Saint are You? 点击测试: 因为是英文,为了方便阅读,本人翻译好,可以参考!:em25: Q.1如果你必须具有下列权力之一,你会选择哪个? Q.2如果你必须在下列人之间选择,你愿意服从于哪个? Q.3你最适宜的生活环境? Q.4你最希望你的老师具有什么样的性格? Q.5如果你必须面对死亡,你会: Q.6你最关心哪个? Q.7你认为对自己最重要的基本元素是什么? Q.8你怎样判断对与错? Q.9你最喜欢下列哪位哲学家? Q.10如果你最好的朋友/老师杀死了你母亲,你会? Q.11你对于死的认识? Q.12如果你用一个字就能破坏世界,你会怎么做?
-- 作者: fg91
You are Gemini Saga. You are a person of Ying and Yang. Good and Evil. Your good side is a defender of rightiousness and Athena. Your Evil side wishes to dominate Sanctuary and Kill Athena. You are one of the Strongest Saints to have ever lived and can send people into other dimensions for all time.
-- 作者: 小芒果 迪斯马斯克……我汗汗汗……怎么会这个样子!
-- 作者: littleroc2nd You're Sagattarius, Your name is Aioros you unfortunatly died at an early age saving baby Athena. Your spirit is forever remembered in the Saggatarious Gold Cloth. You stand for truth and justice in the World. 人马座的艾尔罗斯
-- 作者: 矜持的边际
-- 作者: 日本晴天
发帖时忘记说[IMG]http://www.eoshow.com/images/cn/wo.gif[/IMG]自己测出[IMG]http://www.eoshow.com/images/cn/de.gif[/IMG]结果[IMG]http://www.eoshow.com/images/cn/liao.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://www.eoshow.com/images/cn/gantan.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.eoshow.com/images/cn/zhen.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://www.eoshow.com/images/cn/de.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://www.eoshow.com/images/cn/hen.gif[/IMG]准[IMG]http://www.eoshow.com/images/cn/a2.gif[/IMG],现实[IMG]http://www.eoshow.com/images/cn/zhong.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://www.eoshow.com/images/cn/wo.gif[/IMG]也[IMG]http://www.eoshow.com/images/cn/de.gif[/IMG]确[IMG]http://www.eoshow.com/images/cn/shi.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://www.eoshow.com/images/cn/gantan.gif[/IMG]自认为还[IMG]http://www.eoshow.com/images/cn/hen.gif[/IMG]典型[IMG]http://www.eoshow.com/images/cn/gantan.gif[/IMG]
-- 作者: ogami You're Sagattarius, Your name is Aioros you unfortunatly died at an early age saving baby Athena. Your spirit is forever remembered in the Saggatarious Gold Cloth. You stand for truth and justice in the World. 正义的使者、真理的化身、神圣的代名词……那就是我呀!……哎呀!……
-- 作者: kitten1
[这个贴子最后由kitten1在 2004/02/02 04:36pm 第 1 次编辑]
-- 作者: fg91
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]日本晴天[/u]在 [i]2004/02/01 11:55pm[/i] 发表的内容:[/b]
-- 作者: 日本晴天
[这个贴子最后由日本晴天在 2004/02/03 01:03am 第 1 次编辑]
水瓶座的加妙哦!还不错! PS:to楼上那位,我指的是天秤座的性格与品行,当然8是说相貌!!现实生活中的我的确也是天秤座啊!
-- 作者: 护花使者
You are Shura Capricorn. You use the Holy Sword Excaliber in defense of all that is right. You are one of Athena's loyalists saints. You fight on the side of truth and justice and would sacrifice your very Life to defend Athena.
-- 作者: 掐死你的温柔 You are Virgo Shaka. You are the Closest to God Amoung 88 saints. You are an Illusionist and somewhat telepathic. You are Very Philosophical and meditate through most of the Day. You have been called the reincarnation of Budda and Serve Athena with Pride. You look down upon those who talk tough and show no respect. Your Dancing Wheel technique can remove all 5 opponents senses
-- 作者: 白雪 全英文封闭,汗…………
-- 作者: 呆呆々 汗~~~偶是天平座……
-- 作者: 风之幻想曲
Gemini Saga......
-- 作者: 日本晴天
[这个贴子最后由日本晴天在 2004/02/04 01:42pm 第 1 次编辑] 修罗也是厉害的角色! :em13:
-- 作者: 护花使者 看上去不错啊!